Firefly Music Festival 2016
All I can say is, wow.Firefly Music Festival came to a close this past weekend after a four-day long event. Although I only attended Friday through Sunday, I can't imagine actually going the first day due to my lack of sleep, exhaustion and complete dehydration.This year concludes my third time attending the festival and after working as a brand ambassador with Red Frog Events and the Firefly team, I felt this year I attended properly. I prepped my concert schedule in time to make it to the very front of my two favorite acts, Gallant and Goldlink. Although I missed Ludacris, I managed to see Major Lazer from a far-away spot in the audience and discover a love for Tchami.I managed to say hello to Gallant and expressed my love for his music while hugging him; and snapped yet another picture with Goldlink after recalling our meet at Broccoli Festival. After capturing beauty from all the lighting and vocal talents, I managed to also get tagged on Gallant's Instagram account and received a notification he liked one of my tweets (fangirl so hard). lucked out this year with the weather since no rain fell Friday through Sunday and moderate temperatures. Dust filled the air, but Justin and I came prepared with face masks to shield away the mess.Strangely enough, I witnessed my first (and second) glow stick drop during Deadmau5's and Major Lazer's sets. The sky literally filled with a rainbow of neon colors during the best drops in songs. I noticed less art filled the festival grounds, which bummed tons of people out. The best part is walking through a wonderland of colorful umbrellas or paper birds! Yet, I did notice that after muddy paths filled nearly every inch of the grounds last year, rocks and sand replaced potential hazardous areas.Last year, I decided to not attend Firefly, but as you can see I still ended up going. So no promises for next year, although after attending too many festivals for this lifetime, I might be done forever. Perhaps a one-day pass will be the move?Firefly Music Festival took place in Dover, Delaware on June 16-20, 2016.